Thursday, August 03, 2006

Neon Green Poop

Well, you learn something new every day. Crystal called and was concerned about the color of her stool. For the last couple days she has had neon green poops. (Hope she doesn't mind my sharing this information). I told her that once when she was still in diapers, her poop was that color, but her next movement was normal, so I didn't take her to the doctor. I brushed it off and thought maybe she had eaten some crayons or something. So when she calls with this problem, I naturally say, "You can find out anything on the internet, lets Google it" So I type in "Neon green stool" Up pops 266,000 hits. Fortunately near the top of the list is the Some guy did an experiment with food dye, and found that drinking large quantities of blue, purple and some red food coloring can change the color of your excrements. Funny, Crystal said she had consumed a lot of grape gatorade lately. Mystery solved. If you want to read a lot of interesting comments about other people's experiences, check out the website.


At 10:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is GROSS!! but it's true you can find anything out on the internet.


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