Friday, May 12, 2006

EVIL my eye

Horrors! If you have never had "Pink-eye", don't! It sounds sort of cute, like something a fluffy bunny might have. The grandchildren contracted it a few days ago, and bless their little hearts, they shared it with me. (I will not post a picture, as it is really gross)

It started out as a little crusty matter on my lashes this morning. A few hours later, it started watering and I noticed a little yellowish puss in the corner of my eye. Then it escalated and turned angry red and started eminating puss like a faucet.

I rushed to the clinic and got officially diagnosed for only $75. Oh, they took my blood pressure, temperature and gave me an eye test too. Surprise, the vision in my right eye is blurry. They gave me a perscription and sent me on my way. (Actual Doctor contact, less than 5 minutes)

I got the stuff and rushed home to administer the cure. One drop 3 times a day in the offending eye. A couple hours later, the ooze was continuous, my eyelids were swollen, and I noticed something I will call "water on the eye". Fluid developed under the protective coating of the white part of my eye (red for now). It looked like a huge blister around my cornea.

I called the doctor back, worried that my eye may pop. She said it was an extreme case, but not unusual, and to call her back if the eye becomes painful.

Coincidently, it is the same eye that I wrote about in a previous post. It is also the same eye that turned bright red in one corner a couple weeks ago when a blood vessel broke.


The good new is, I can now add this to my collection of "odd ailments and scars to prove it", including the shin laceration from a dropped bottle of wine, the scar on my finger where I tried to make a mini dart, the scar on my knee from chasing a car and the manhole cover was located in my path and tripped me, the scar under my lower lip from coming up for air too close to the edge of the pool and pierced my lip with my lower tooth, the three small scars in my palm from grabbing a barbed wire fence while falling down a hill in an attempt to get away from a goat that was chasing us, and several bouts of poison oak, to name a few. I also have a scar on my tongue from when I was 2 and slipped on a rug and nearly bit my tongue off, but I don't remember it.

Wow, that brought back memories. Almost made me forget about my eye.


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