Thursday, May 04, 2006

Remiss is me

Holy cow. I have been so bad about posting. I can't believe it's almost been a year. I promise I will be better. This promise is for myself mainly. (Can't imagine there is anyone following this blog anyway that I'm not in regular contact with.) If there is... surprise to me, and here's the latest. We opened our own store..Island Ink-Jet. Refill not landfill. It is doing very well. Except for the breakin. We are another year older and terribly out of shape. Kristina and grandkids still live with us. The cherry tree broke in a storm and will have to be chopped down (more on this later...a memorial will be in order). Lately lots of bad things have been happening to family members. More bad news than usual. I won't dwell on all the details and will try to keep the blog lighthearted and focus on the good. So, stay tuned........


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