Monday, May 08, 2006

Deleverance revisited

We three siblings had a reunion....

Shell ad Vic gave Jeff a motorcycle that was incredible. A labor of love and appreciated more than I can say. (I will post a picture.)

We ate gunky cereal, we listened to music we grew up with, and mostly we laughed and had a great time enjoying each others company.

We stayed up late one night playing Texas hold'em.

We spent a day trip driving to some natural hotsprings and soaking. We had a snow fight along the way and were chased by bees.

We took lots of crazy pictures, which I was just looked through, and it cracked me up when I realized that there are no serious group photos, just goofy ones.

We had a jalapeno injected deep fried turkey one night for dinner that was to die for. And the next morning we cooked the extra jalapeno sauce with eggs and had green eggs and ham.....and we liked it Sam I am.

We had a silly string fight just before the trip to the airport to drop Mike off.

I keep daydreaming about the conversations and things we did and smile to myself and feel so connected...We made some wonderful memories that will last a lifetime.

Thanks guys.....I love you forever and then some.


At 8:07 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

This trip was a revitalization for me.
I love you so very much and am determined to NOT wait another lifetime to do this again.
Thanks for the re-memories.


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