Sunday, September 26, 2004

How to thin your eyebrows, by Gavin Fitts

1. Take 2 large stickers. I got mine free from my grandma. They had silver stars on them and said "Ada county sheriff junior deputy" on them.

2. Place them firmly over your eyes and try to walk around the house with out running into anything.

3. When you've collected enough bruises on your head, firmly grip the edges and quickly remove. It's painful, but effective in thinning your eyebrows and the little hairs displayed on the back of the sticker are kind of funny and help you forget the stinging sensation.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Time to breathe

Thankfully, things have slowed down around here. Gavin turned 4. Alliyah is walking all over the place. Joy is busy buying a house and going through all the paperwork and inspections, etc...., Jeff is overworked (nothing new there), and I am finding school fun, yet challenging. I find myself wishing for a photographic memory, especially just before a test, which is nearly every day. I'm glad I'm not studying to be a doctor.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Pogo got in a fight Monday, with a pit bull. Fortunately he got away with only 6 stitches to the cheek. Pogo started it. He was defending his terretory and bit the other dog on the hind end. Silly dog. We may have to rename him "Scarface" or "Frankenstein". Posted by Hello

Fred Currie. Husband, father, grandfather, greatgrandfather, friend. Passed away Saturday, August 28. He will be missed. Posted by Hello

Kristina delivered a healthy 5lb 5oz boy on Wednesday, August 25. His name is Aiden Jeffery. Posted by Hello