Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Weekend in Atlanta Idaho

We went to Atlanta for the weekend. It was beautiful. We got about a foot of snow while we were there, adding to what was already on the ground. I love watching it come down especially when I don't have to drive in it.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Year Resolution for 2008

Here it is, the beginning of a brand new year. I have several resolutions. The usual lose weight, exercise more, etc.. Most importantly though, I hereby resolve to blog more. Let's see how long it takes me to break that one.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Neon Green Poop

Well, you learn something new every day. Crystal called and was concerned about the color of her stool. For the last couple days she has had neon green poops. (Hope she doesn't mind my sharing this information). I told her that once when she was still in diapers, her poop was that color, but her next movement was normal, so I didn't take her to the doctor. I brushed it off and thought maybe she had eaten some crayons or something. So when she calls with this problem, I naturally say, "You can find out anything on the internet, lets Google it" So I type in "Neon green stool" Up pops 266,000 hits. Fortunately near the top of the list is the website...poopreport.com. Some guy did an experiment with food dye, and found that drinking large quantities of blue, purple and some red food coloring can change the color of your excrements. Funny, Crystal said she had consumed a lot of grape gatorade lately. Mystery solved. If you want to read a lot of interesting comments about other people's experiences, check out the website.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Brain storming

Somebody told me that to brainstorm you had to get the group to put their heads together. We tried it. I don't remember what great ideas came from this brainstorming session, but I'm sure they were great.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Goodbye to an old friend

The ancient cherry tree in our back yard was magnificent. The biggest one I have ever seen. Every year it produced masses of flowers and cherries we gave away by the bagload. The kids climbed in it, swung from it's branches and the yard and house were cooled by it's generous shade. We have lived in this house for over 25 years and the tree was huge back then. We are unsure of it's age. Squirrels lived in one of the branches that had died and had been hollowed out. We knew that part of the tree was weakening, but had no idea of the extent of damage until the storm...
A warning of high winds was announced on the tv, so we went outside in the back yard to watch. At first, all was completely still. Then slowly the winds picked up and began to blow the white blossoms off the cherry tree that was in full bloom. The wind picked up quickly and the petals swirled around us like a blizzard. We took refuge under the patio cover.

Jeff commented, "I hope the cherry tree holds up in this wind." And half a minute later, there was a loud crack, and a huge branch snapped and fell toward the house. The upper branches caught on the rain gutter and the trunk swung down and came to rest as you see it in the picture. The entire center of the branch was rotten and pulpy. The branch was being supported by a mere 3 inch thick living portion around the outer edge. We became aware that the tree was no longer safe. How many other branches were rotten and waiting for a big wind to snap them off?

We came to the sad conclusion that the tree must come down. Jeff whittled away methodicly at the branches with the chainsaw. The one he is using here, has an extended arm for trimming. It came in very handy. He and I spent the better part of a day, carefully taking it down, one branch at a time. Some had to have a rope looped over them. Jeff cut, while I pulled the rope to control the fall of the branch so it didn't hit the house.

The results were sad to see.

All that remains now is the stump. Jeff is going to try to carve the rest into a chair if it isn't too rotted out at the base. We bought a honey locust to plant nearby. It is a fast grower and a good shade tree, but we will never see in our lifetime another tree that will replace that good old cherry tree.

Every cloud has it's silver lining though. We were able to salvage quite a bit of the rotten trunk and make planters out of it. They will serve as a reminder of the great tree that once was.

Thank you old friend, you will be missed.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Cool new wheels

Is this not the most awesome thing? Vic and Shell gave Jeff this bike. Vic spent hours sanding, painting, adding the decorations and sealing it. It was such a thoughtful thing for them to do. We can't find the proper words to express our gratitude! Thank you two from the bottom of our hearts!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Queen for the Day

I look forward to Mothers Day every year. Jeff goes all out and spares no expense for dinner. He barbecued huge thick steaks. He made double stuffed potatoes with shrimp and crab flakes, mushrooms, sourcream and cheese. He steamed asparagus and grilled the biggest lobsters he could find. We enjoyed the meal with his mom Joy, and 2 of our daughters, Nina and Punky. Jeff is such a treasure!