Wednesday, August 18, 2004


It's been a while since I posted. It's unbelievable how much can happen in such a short ammount of time. So, here's the latest......

Jeff's parents are staying with us. Fred and Joy. They sold their house in Bend and are looking for a place here in Boise. Fred is 81 and had a stroke recently so he has to get around with a walker and assistance.

Kristina and the grandkids, Gavin and Alliyah are also living here too. Kristina is due in 2 weeks, September 8, with a boy she will name Aiden Jeffery.

I will be starting college, only 20 years after graduating high school, but hey, better late than never. My first day is August 23rd and I'm quite excited. I will be taking a dental assisting course and will graduate in May.

Jeff had his company car parked in a parking lot a couple weeks ago and some 20 year old guy lost control of his vehicle, jumped the curb and the bushes and crashed into the front of Jeff's car, shoving it 20 feet. Fortunately Jeff wasn't in it.

Shell and Vic, my sister and brother-inlaw, came to visit. We had a great time, except for the alcohol abuse. I dropped a wine bottle on my driveway, it bounced and cut my leg open resulting in 5 stitches to my shin.

Jeff and I spent the weekend in Atlanta, Idaho for Atlanta days. A fund raiser for a small mining town we frequent. They raised over $4,000 to put in a new helicopter pad for Life Flight to land in emergency pick-ups.

The following morning, at 2:30 a.m., Joy woke us up with severe abdominal cramps. We took her to emergency where she had to have surgery for a bowel that was twisted around some scar tissue. She is recovering nicely.

Fred had to be admitted to St. Lukes hospital for dehydration. Seems someone forgot to give him any water at the rehab center. He will be leaving that facility and coming home as soon as he is released from the hospital some time today.

We went on a river float trip down the Payette river. Lots of white water. Had a blast. We took our grandson Gavin, who squealed with delight through the rapids. He loved it.

Well, that's about it for now. I'll add more later in case I forgot anything.


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