Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Awesome Storm

A storm blew through last night. We watched as the sky grew black.  Lightning flashed and thunder cracked and rolled across the valley. Then the rain poured down filling the air with a fresh clean smell. The sun dipped down below the storm clouds and created a double rainbow against a light orange sky.  Lightning spread through the clouds and the rainbow.  It was incredible.  Gavin watched and cheered, "That was a good one!" One part of the sky was clearing up and had a few light whispy clouds.  The lightning flashed again and Gavin said, "Look, the lighning blew up the clouds."
If you couldn't tell, I just love summer storms. 


At 12:12 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I love summer storms too....
Here in Virginia, you get one a day this time of year.
5:00pm or so they spring up out of nowhere and BAM.
Torrential downpour.
Toads all over the roads.
It's too cool.
We all run out and gather toads for hopping contests!


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